Free, high quality audiobooks by audiobook narrator/producer and voice actor RJ Bayley. Season 1: The War of the Worlds Season 2: Dracula I’d greatly appreciate if you could leave a review of this podcast where you found it. If you’d like to advertise on this podcast, commission me to to make an audiobook or hire me as a voice actor, please get in touch via the means below: Website: www.rjbayley.com/contact Twitter @RJBayley: www.twitter.com/RJBayley/ Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist Instagram: www.instagram.com/robertjbayley/ Cover image by swoodillustration: https://www.instagram.com/swoodillustration/

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Oh sorry, didn't you know he was a murderer?
Sometimes it's good when a chapter title tells you something specific and important is going to happen.
A chapter title can be part of the story in this way, the reveal not in the prose but the title.
The build up to something you now know is going to happen can be a rush.
It's the same anticipation of when a roller coaster ratchets you slowly towards its peak before the inevitable drop. It's the entire concept behind Alton Towers' Oblivion.
It's a different kind of thrill, but it's a thrill no less.
If you have enjoyed this recording, please support me by getting martian merch at: www.FineArtGeek.redbubble.com.
You can also support this podcast by sharing and leaving a review for it.
I hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter.
You can talk to me on:
Website: www.rjbayley.com/contact
Twitter @RJBayley: www.twitter.com/RJBayley/
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist
Instagram: www.instagram.com/robertjbayley/
If you would like me to narrate your book, you can contact me at those places, comment here or visit the contact section at RJBayley.com.
The War of the Worlds is a public domain book, however this recording of it is copyright to me, RJ Bayley, 2021.

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Doesn't your heart just sink when a dog shows up and our protagonist is a very hungry man?
If you have enjoyed this recording, please support me by getting martian merch at: www.FineArtGeek.redbubble.com.
You can also support this podcast by sharing and leaving a review for it.
I hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter.
You can talk to me on:
Website: www.rjbayley.com/contact
Twitter @RJBayley: www.twitter.com/RJBayley/
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist
Instagram: www.instagram.com/robertjbayley/
If you would like me to narrate your book, you can contact me at those places, comment here or visit the contact section at RJBayley.com.
The War of the Worlds is a public domain book, however this recording of it is copyright to me, RJ Bayley, 2021.

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
In which out hero eats and drinks increasingly unpalatable things as maddness sets in.
The War of the Worlds gets dark, dude.
Do you need a voice actor to recount eating revolting things with a weary, grim resolution?
If you have enjoyed this recording, please support me by getting martian merch at: www.FineArtGeek.redbubble.com.
You can also support this podcast by sharing and leaving a review for it.
I hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter.
You can talk to me on:
Website: www.rjbayley.com/contact
Twitter @RJBayley: www.twitter.com/RJBayley/
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist
Instagram: www.instagram.com/robertjbayley/
If you would like me to narrate your book, you can contact me at those places, comment here or visit the contact section at RJBayley.com.
The War of the Worlds is a public domain book, however this recording of it is copyright to me, RJ Bayley, 2021.

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Two weeks gnawing on rotten food, bones, and alien plants, and then the first person you meet is this guy.
A fascinating episode that reminds me of the detailed plans for a new human order in George Orwell's 1984.
The rapid shift between elation and grim, depressed disappointment, plays a significant role in driving the narrator mad and towards suicidal thoughts which will pay off in the remaining couple of chapters.
Looking for an audiobook narrator to convey such rapid changes of emotion in your book?
If you have enjoyed this recording, please support me by getting martian merch at: www.FineArtGeek.redbubble.com.
You can also support this podcast by sharing and leaving a review for it.
I hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter.
You can talk to me on:
Website: www.rjbayley.com/contact
Twitter @RJBayley: www.twitter.com/RJBayley/
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist
Instagram: www.instagram.com/robertjbayley/
If you would like me to narrate your book, you can contact me at those places, comment here or visit the contact section at RJBayley.com.
The War of the Worlds is a public domain book, however this recording of it is copyright to me, RJ Bayley, 2021.

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
"An insane resolve possessed me. I would die and end it. And I would save myself even the trouble of killing myself."
The epic, iconic conclusion of the martian invasion of Earth.
If you have enjoyed this recording, please support me by getting martian merch at: www.FineArtGeek.redbubble.com.
You can also support this podcast by sharing and leaving a review for it.
I hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter.
Interested in me narrating your audiobook? You can talk to me on:
Website: www.rjbayley.com/contact
Twitter @RJBayley: www.twitter.com/RJBayley/
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist
Instagram: www.instagram.com/robertjbayley/
If you would like me to narrate your book, you can contact me at those places, comment here or visit the contact section at RJBayley.com.
The War of the Worlds is a public domain book, however this recording of it is copyright to me, RJ Bayley, 2021.

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Our narrator must make his way through the ruins of society, back to where it all started, and pick through the debris for the remnants of his old life.
If you have enjoyed this recording, please support me by getting martian merch at: www.FineArtGeek.redbubble.com.
You can also support this podcast by sharing and leaving a review for it.
I hope you’ll stick around for the final chapter.
You can talk to me on:
Website: www.rjbayley.com/contact
Twitter @RJBayley: www.twitter.com/RJBayley/
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist
Instagram: www.instagram.com/robertjbayley/
If you would like me to narrate your book, you can contact me at those places, comment here or visit the contact section at RJBayley.com.
The War of the Worlds is a public domain book, however this recording of it is copyright to me, RJ Bayley, 2021.

Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Life after the War of the Worlds. The narrator contends with his PTSD while detailing all we have learned from the corpses and wreckage of our would-be destoryers. Important questions can finally be answered, but more important are the chilling questions the aftermath asks.
I hope you have enjoyed listening to my adaptation of Herbert George Wells' The War of the Worlds. This has been a passion project of mine and I'm so happy to be able have recorded, proofed, edited, mastered and freely shared with you my interpretation of this astonishing book. Science fiction has brought me so much relief and joy when depressed, and it would not be what it is without this book. Thank you Mr. Wells.
If you have liked this audiobook and would like me to narrate/produce yours, talk to me:
Website: www.rjbayley.com/contact
Twitter @RJBayley: www.twitter.com/RJBayley/
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist
Instagram: www.instagram.com/robertjbayley/
If you have enjoyed this recording, please consider supporting me by getting martian merch at: www.FineArtGeek.redbubble.com.
You can also support this podcast by sharing and leaving a review for it.
The War of the Worlds is a public domain book, however this recording of it is copyright to me, RJ Bayley, 2021.

Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Dracula - Chapter I - Jonathan Harker’s Journal
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Welcome to Season 2 of Bayley's Bookshelf: Dracula.
If you'd like to buy me a coffee, you can do so at buymeacoffee.com/rjbayley. All donations go towards making future episodes and actual coffee.
If you would like me to create an audiobook for you or have business enquiries please contact me at robertjbayley@gmail.com or on Twitter, @RJBayley.
This audiobook will also be available to buy with all the podcasting waffle removed.
While the novel Dracula is in the public domain, this recording of it is copyright to RJ Bayley, 2022.

Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Dracula - Chapter II - Jonathan Harker’s Journal - continued
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
If you enjoy what I do and would like to buy me a coffee, you can do so at buymeacoffee.com/rjbayley. All donations go towards making future episodes and actual coffee.
If you would like me to create an audiobook for you, would like to advertise on the podcast or have business enquiries please contact me at robertjbayley@gmail.com or on Twitter, @RJBayley.
All my links: linktr.ee/rjbayley
Website: rjbayley.com
Facebook: facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist
My other audio story podcast, Oldex: Linktr.ee/oldex
This audiobook will also be available to buy with all the podcasting waffle removed.
While the novel Dracula is in the public domain, this recording of it is copyright to RJ Bayley, 2022.

Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Dracula - Chapter III - Jonathan Harker’s Journal - continued
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
If you enjoy what I do and would like to buy me a coffee, you can do so at buymeacoffee.com/rjbayley. All donations go towards making future episodes and actual coffee.
If you would like me to create an audiobook for you, would like to advertise on the podcast or have business enquiries please contact me at robertjbayley@gmail.com or on Twitter, @RJBayley.
All my links: linktr.ee/rjbayley
Website: rjbayley.com
Facebook: facebook.com/RJBayleyVoiceArtist
My other audio story podcast, Oldex: Linktr.ee/oldex
This audiobook will also be available to buy with all the podcasting waffle removed.
While the novel Dracula is in the public domain, this recording of it is copyright to RJ Bayley, 2022.